Financial aid forms for fall 2024, spring 2025 and summer 2025

Log in to TitanHub, select MySPC and review your Action Items.

If you need to submit any documents, they will show as "initiated" or "returned."

If there are documents listed that have a "waived" status, you do not need to submit that document.

If all of your documents have been submitted and your file is complete, look in the Awards tile to see if you have been awarded financial aid.

Helpful hints

  • E-Forms
    • Quick and easy to complete
    • Can be completed on mobile devices
    • Work better using landscape instead of portrait
    • Enable cooke functionality on your mobile internet browser
    • Pop up blockers may prevent E-forms from displaying correctly on your mobile device
  • Fillable versions
    • Some forms are only available in fillable PDF format
    • Fillable forms work best using Chrome
    • Fillable forms may require Adobe ® Reader ®
    • Fillable versions of other forms are available by contacting A$KFA$
  • Wait 24-48 hours before resubmitting
  • Always look for forms you have already started
  • Verification documents must be submitted by using our online E-Forms, in person or by mail or fax. For your personal security and to meet federal guidelines, we cannot accept student Verification documents by email. See Verification requirements.

Find out more about Winter Session Financial Aid.

Find out more about Summer Financial Aid.


Complete the application at Federal Student Aid. The FAFSA is available in English and Spanish.

Priority consideration is given to students who apply by May 1.

    Most Verification forms are available from your MySPC To Do List.

    There are two forms that cannot be submitted using an E-form:

      Most Verification forms are availale from your MySPC To Do List.

      There are two forms that cannot be submitted using an E-form:

        Satisfactory Academic Progress

        Choose and complete the form that fits your situation.


        • GPA Calculator - You are leaving the SPC Financial Aid website to access this calculator.


        • Bright Futures Eligibility Appeal - use this form if you experienced a medical illness or emergency (beyond your control) that led to a drop/withdrawal repayment obligation OR impacted your scholarship renewal eligibility

        Tuition Fee Waivers and Exemptions

        St. Petersburg College offers several ways to reduce your cost of tuition and fees for the following:

        Students who received services from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) may be eligible for a Tuition and Fee Exemption if they reached age 18 in the custody of DCF, were adopted from DCF, were in the custody of a relative under s. 39.5085, F.S. or placed in a guardianship by the court after reaching age 16 and spending at least 6 months in the custody of DCF.

        Out-of-State Tuition Waivers for:


        • Federal Direct Loan In-School Deferment Request

          In order to qualify for an in-school deferment, you must be enrolled at least half-time. Interest does not accrue (accumulate) on subsidized Stafford Loans during a deferment period, but you are responsible for paying the interest that accrues during a deferment on unsubsidized Stafford Loans. If you don't pay the interest that accrues on an unsubsidized Stafford Loan during a deferment period, it will be capitalized (added to the loan principal balance) at the end of the deferment.

          SPC routinely sends enrollment information to the National Clearinghouse where lenders can access the data. If your enrollment is not being recognized, submit a Federal Direct Loan In-School Deferment Request. Fax the form to 727-341-3231 or submit it at a campus Business Office. For confirmation that your enrollment information was reported, you may email
