Scholarships Make Dreams Real for SPC Students

SPC nursing graduate Felicia Brown thanked scholarship donors for their generosity at the 22nd annual Donors and Scholars Appreciation Luncheon.
By Foundation Staff
“Humble. Gratitude. So unbelievably grateful.”
When recent St. Petersburg College nursing graduate Felicia Brown thinks of the donors who made her academic journey possible, she is filled with gratitude.

The impact of scholarship donations is immeasurable, said SPC student Jolaine Greaux.
She knows that the scholarships she received – four in all – made her dreams of a degree a reality. Her classmate Jolaine Greaux knows the same, and only wishes she had applied for her scholarships earlier.
“SPC and the Foundation are awesome. They are willing to help you in the scholarship application process every step of the way,” said Greaux.
With every scholarship she received, Brown pushed herself to reward the donors who made such a difference for her.
“I’ve been striving to give them thanks by just graduating and getting good grades as I do so,” she said. “I couldn’t have done it without their help.”
Greaux agrees that the impact of scholarship donations is immeasurable.
“They paid for my textbooks, my classes – anything that was related to school. Having scholarships made it possible for me to finish my bachelor’s degree.”
Both Greaux and Brown want scholarship donors to the SPC Foundation to know how much their generosity is appreciated by every student.
“Students like me are very much in need and very much appreciative of the support our donors give us,” said Brown. “Please keep doing what you’re doing."