A new way to source talent
Registered Apprenticeship is a tried-and-true approach to prepare workers for jobs - and meet the business needs for a highly-skilled workforce. Apprenticeships combine on-the-job learning with job-related instruction and lead to increasing skills and wages.
What's in it for my business?
- Are you satisfied with your employee recruitment process? Is it working for you?
- How long does it take to see a return on investment of a new hire?
- Do you lose talent to your competitors?
- Do you have retiring top talent with historical knowledge that will leave a gap in information in your company?
- Is there a more cost-effective means of accomplishing your goal besides contracting talent?
Registered Apprenticeships could meet your needs by providing:
- A qualified, custom and stable workforce
- Employees who start working from day one
- Proven training model
- Ability to cultivate skilled talent
- Higher productivity
St. Petersburg College is working with businesses and other partners to close the workforce skills gap faced by the information technology, manufacturing, healthcare and construction/trade industries by promoting growth and expansion of quality and innovative apprenticeship programs.
Are you considering an Apprenticeship?
Visit the Apprentice Florida website for more information.