Meet Wende Huehn-Brown

SPC business faculty member Wende Huehn-Brown knows a thing or two about reaching her students through technology. And last year, the League for Innovation in the Community College Award took notice, awarding her for Use of Technology in the Classroom.
A business faculty member at SPC since 2007, Huehn-Brown holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Management from the University of Missouri-Rolla (Missouri University of Science and Technology), and has 20 years of professional experience. When she joined the college, she quickly realized one of her biggest challenges would be teaching business courses in analytical fields online.
She has used her instructional design technology skills to solve online issues for her students, improving success rates in one class from 57 percent in 2013 to 78 percent in 2015. She uses VoIP, messaging and video meetings to stay connected and responsive to her students. Students benefit from her weekly reflection videos on key concepts, a series of pencasts and desktop-recorded videos on completing analytical methods. Currently, she is working on research and development of sustainability management concepts that integrate environmental, energy, social and profitability goals with engineering, technology and management disciplines.
Name: Wende Huehn-Brown