About Titans UP!

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The Titans UP! Program is a two-year (four‐semester) certificate program offering an integrated peer‐to‐peer classroom experience for students with an IQ of 70 or below. Students may choose from a variety of academic pathways available at different campuses. This fully adaptive college experience provides students with intellectual disabilities with the skills and knowledge required to transition to independent adult roles and community‐based employment.

The Titans UP! Program focuses on the following areas:

Campus Activities
Students are encouraged to participate in campus activities such as clubs, sports, and events. In preparation for living a full, productive life, mentors assist students in becoming active members of the college community.

Students will audit SPC courses while participating with non‐disabled peers and may take the courses for credit depending upon recommendations. A coach attends classes with students and provides support for assignments, projects, and quizzes.

Students will engage in STAR (Students Transitioning to Adult Roles) workshops to focus on academic achievement, independent living, self‐determination, campus and community engagement, and career development and employment.

Students will engage in 24 weeks of Supported Employment services. In Phase I (Discovery of Career Interests), students will target two or three career choices that might be a good personal fit. In Phase II (Getting a Job), students will write a resume, participate in mock interviews, complete applications, secure a job and participate in on‐the‐job training.

Florida Residents* Receive a $7,000 Scholarship
which covers all tuition, books, and fees for any four‐semester Certificate Pathway. *Applicants must meet Florida Residency and other requirements to qualify for participation.

Contact Titans Up Project Coordinator, titansup@spcollege.edu

Titans UP! students are young individuals hoping to grow in independence and wanting to have their own job. They are motivated and ready to tackle a busy schedule filled with classes, homework, employment readiness, and student work hours. They can navigate getting to and from campus and getting around campus independently; and they are willing to make new friends and to get involved in campus life.

Completed applications, including all required documentation, must be received by July 12th in order for eligible students to begin in the next Fall session.

Applicants will need a High School Diploma and an IEP or 504 as documentation of their intellectual disability.

Required Applicant Documentation

Download documents for complete details about the Titans UP! program or the Titans UP! pathways.

If you are interested in this program and would like an application packet, please contact:

Shanya Turner, Titans UP! Program Coordinator

Mailing address: PO Box 13489, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-3489