Supporting SPC Through Grant-Funded Projects
The Grants Development department at St. Petersburg College supports the college's mission by seeking, obtaining, and managing external funding obtained through grants and collaborative partnerships.
Department Overview
This department supports the college in securing and implementing grants from government and private sources that assist in achieving SPC’s strategic objectives. With extensive and highly touted experience in managing a multitude of grant-funded programs, including state and federal grants, SPC’s Grants Development department manages an average of $20 million in grants and gifts annually. The grants team acts as a liaison between SPC leadership, deans, provosts, faculty and program staff, as well as funders and partners, to help support the college’s strategic goals through grant-funded projects.
The key role of the Grants Development department is to:
- Research and identify potential funding sources.
- Work with college staff and faculty to develop proposals that respond to funding opportunities and meet the college's needs.
- Support the programmatic and fiscal management of awarded grants to meet the expectations of the funder. The department can help you find opportunities, develop a proposal, obtain the necessary approvals and navigate the process of applying for a grant.
Have an idea?
Complete our Idea Summary form so our staff can better assist you.
- The project must be aligned with SPC’s Strategic Plan.
- The project must meet the eligibility requirements of the grant agency/funder.
- The project must promote a positive change that is measurable and attainable within the grant period.
- The grant solicitation must be followed, and all materials must be submitted on time.
- The budget must support the activities outlined.
- There must be a plan for the sustainability of the project once the funding period is completed.
- The grant proposal or application must address the grant guidelines and priorities.
Updates from NSF 24-1
The National Science Foundation (NSF) issued their latest PAPPG update (NSF 24-1) in March 2024, with an effective date of May 20, 2024. Here are the key changes:
- Disclosure Requirements: There's an emphasis on foreign funding transparency. Researchers are now required to report annually on any foreign financial support they receive, as mandated by the CHIPS and Science Act. The PAPPG also references a new certification regarding involvement in malign foreign talent recruitment programs. The SPC grants office will outreach to PIs and CoPIs each summer to determine foreign financial support and report findings to NSF.
- Biographical Sketch: Researchers no longer have a page limit for their biographical sketches. Additionally, the biographical sketch now incorporates the new Common Disclosure Form, which eliminates the Synergistic Activities section. SciENcv remains the platform for creating compliant biographical sketches.
- Current and Pending Support: Similar to the Biographical Sketch, the Current and Pending Support form also utilizes the new Common Disclosure Form and SciENcv for creation.
These are the most significant changes. For a more comprehensive list, it is recommended to read the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) summary at A printable version of the PAPPG is also located at this site.
Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment By Addressing Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Harassment and Sexual Assault
SPC is committed to addressing harassment and fostering a safe and healthy work and learning environment. Policies and expectations in this regard apply to all staff, faculty and students whether at conferences, on-campus or working, doing research, or engaging in scholarly activities or study at an off-site location.
In addition, it is National Science Foundation (“NSF”) policy to “foster safe and harassment-free environments wherever science is conducted.” (NSF 2023 PAPPG Guide II-E.9]. Grant recipients, including SPC, are required, effective with proposals submitted Jan. 30, 2023 or later, to certify that we have a plan in place that addresses:
- Abuse of any person, including but not limited to harassment, stalking, bullying or hazing or any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form; and
- Conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene, or disorderly
The College meets NSF requirements (as well as its own expectations) by using the Board of Trustees Rules and College Procedures outlined below:
- HR and Personnel
- Equal Access / Equal Opportunity
- Title IX
- Title IX Grievance Form
- 6Hx23-2.011 Rule - Sexual Harassment and Relationships
- P6Hx23-2.011 Procedure - Sexual Harassment and Relationships
- 6Hx23-4.332 Title IX, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Grievance Procedure
- P6Hx23-4.332 Title IX, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Grievance Procedure
NSF Sub-Recipient Reporting Conditions
- As per 83FR 47940, the Principal Investigator (PI) and any co-PI(s) identified on an NSF award are in a position of trust. These individuals must comport themselves in a responsible and accountable manner during the award period of performance, whether at the awardee institution and subrecipient institution, on-line, or at locales such as field sites, facilities, or conferences/workshops.
- As per 83FR 47940, “Other Forms of Harassment” is defined as “Non-gender or non-sex-based harassment of individuals protected under federal civil rights laws, as set forth in organizational policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders.
- As per 83FR 47940, subrecipients must notify NSF of: (1) Any finding/determination regarding the PI or any co-PI [1] that demonstrate a violation of awardee policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders relating to sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, or sexual assault; and/or (2) if the PI or any co-PI is placed on administrative leave or if any administrative action has been imposed on the PI or any co-PI by the awardee relating to any finding/determination or an investigation of an alleged violation of awardee policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders relating to sexual harassment, other forms of harassment, or sexual assault.
- It is the subrecipient’s Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) responsibility to report any findings/determinations or administrative action regarding PI or any co-PI directly to NSF: within ten business days of the findings/determination consistent with 83FR 47940. This notification must include the following information: NSF Award Number, Type of Notification, Description of the finding/determination and action(s) taken, if any; and reason(s) for, and conditions of, placement of the PI or any co-PI on administrative leave or imposition of administrative action. SPC must be notified of any such actions immediately by contacting the Executive Director/AOR of Grants Dr. Gretchen Mullin-Sawicki,
- As per 83FR 47980, SPC may, at any time, propose a substitute investigator if it determines the PI or any co-PI may not be able to carry out the funded project or activity and/or abide by the award terms and conditions.
- As per NSF GC-1, the subrecipient will ensure a safe and inclusive working environment for off-campus or off-site research by putting a plan in place that describes how the following behavior will be addressed: abuse of any person, including but not limited to, harassment, stalking, bullying, or hazing of any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form; or conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene, or disorderly. See Grants Website National Science Foundation Special Conditions for plan template.
- As per NSF Important Notice No. 144, the subrecipient will establish and maintain clear and unambiguous standards of behavior to ensure harassment-free workplaces wherever science is conducted, including notification pathways for all personnel, including students, on the primary and supplemental awards. This expectation includes activities at all research facilities and field sites and during conferences and workshops. Subrecipients will provide these standards to SPC.
- As per NSF OECR Bulletin No. 23-02, the subrecipient recognizes that NSF will not fund travel to conferences that do not have a policy or code of conduct that addresses sexual harassment, other forms of harassment and sexual assault consistent with the bulletin. Subrecipients will provide their policy or code of conduct to SPC.
- Subrecipients will follow all new award terms and conditions to NSF subawards. A summary of updated NSF Award Terms and Conditions may be found at: Grants Website
- PIs/Co-PIs are responsible for distributing a copy of this plan to each participant involved in off-campus or off-site research prior to those individuals leaving campus to participate in the off-campus or off-site activities.
NSF PIs are responsible for:
- (1) Determining whether any “off-campus or off-site research” will occur on their NSF proposal submission (see definition below). Plans are only required for NSF proposals containing research that is conducted off-site or off-campus. See the associated FAQs for more information.
- (2) Completing the project specific information on the last page of this document and submitting the plan to the Grants Department prior to the submission of the proposal to NSF.
- (3) Distributing all pages (“the plan”) to everyone who will participate in an off-campus or off-site research activity prior to those individuals leaving campus to engage in the off-site or off-campus research.
- {4) Retaining documentation of who received the plan (email or signup sheet is sufficient) and the plan itself in their grant files or in the departmental grant file.
The plan itself should not be submitted to NSF unless requested. Plans may be re-used and re-distributed for multiple off-campus research activities but must be updated if the specific content needs to change.
NSF defines off-campus or off-site research for the purposes of this requirement as data/information/ samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork on research vessels and aircraft.
NSF Safe and Inclusive Working Environment Plan for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research
(To be used for all off-campus/off-site research funded by NSF)
PROJECT SPECIFIC INFORMATION- Plan Date or Version (enter date the plan was prepared or updated, or a version number). Preparer name may also be entered.
- NSF Grant Number:
- Principal Investigator Name (plus Cell Phone and Email
- Off-Campus Location
- Description of off-campus research activity (fieldwork, research activities on vessels or aircraft, work in an off-campus location, etc.)
- Estimated Departure and Return Dates (begin and end dates of off-campus research).
- Will participants have regular internet or cell service available? (If no, what alternate arrangements are in place for participants to report suspected misconduct?)
- Will participants from other entities (governmental, company, sponsor, educational institutions, subrecipients) be involved? If yes, are there any special arrangements or guidance participants need to make sure they know they should also report misconduct involving these individuals?
- Recommended contact for any suspected misbehavior (note: participants remain free to use this contact or any other contact they prefer to report misconduct; more than one contact may be listed).
- Any special circumstances that necessitate special plans (e.g., participants are at sea or other remote locations without ability to make contact with college reporting offices; only a single satellite phone is available for the group; there are physical or other barriers that may require special attention to ensure full participation; no local transportation to a safe space is likely to be available; variance in cultural norms might necessitate advance awareness training;). If yes, what arrangements are in place to manage these special circumstances?
- Other Comments or Information that participants may find useful.
Include local police and medical services numbers; for international trips, it is wise to include embassy/consulate contact information if not already provided.
Resources for reporting harassment can be found at the NSF Stopping Harassment and Assault webpage:
For questions, please contact the Executive Director of the Grants Development Department at 727-341-3002.
SPC’s Grants Development department is the college’s authorized official and point of contact in the grant awarding process. Therefore, grant applicants should not be submitted on behalf of the college without going through the department for prior approval and submission.
Our pre-award team provides support to faculty and staff preparing and submitting grant proposals, including:
- Writing or assisting in the writing of grants
- Securing President and senior-level cabinet approvals
- Reviewing Request for Proposals (RFP)
- Developing and reviewing budgets
- Preparing and submitting proposal packages based on sponsor guidelines and using online submissions systems
Grant applications can take weeks or even months to develop. Federal applications can take up to six months for development, often requiring data research and analysis. For this reason, advance notice is required to adequately plan and develop an application/proposal.
For Pre-Award services, the Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) should follow the timeline below:
Tasks |
Due to SPC grant office |
1. |
Complete Request for Grant Support |
Minimum of one month prior to application deadline |
2. |
Complete application narrative with Department support (including timeline and proposed outcomes) |
Two weeks prior to deadline |
3. |
Complete project budget for Grants Accounting approval |
Two weeks prior to deadline |
4. |
Complete all attachments, as required by the grant (such as letters of support, resumes, logic model, etc.) |
One week prior to deadline |
Have an idea for a grant proposal or project that needs funding?
Once the Grants Development department is notified of an award, the Post-Award team will generate and distribute an internal email and schedule a kickoff meeting to review the timelines, grant deliverables, and budgets with the Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI), program staff, grants accounting, marketing and external partners.
The Post-Award grant management team provides support for the following:
- Regular check in meetings with program staff to assist in staying on track of deliverables
- Preparing and submitting subcontract agreements
- Providing onboarding training for new PD/PIs (See the Grant Management Handbook on the Grants SharePoint.)
- Coaching and instruction in grant development management and compliance; reviewing budget, cost-sharing and related documents
- Reviewing and approving budget modifications
- Reviewing and approving progress reports
Quarterly Meeting Dates for Grants Program Managers:
February, May, August and November
Gretchen Mullin-Sawicki
Executive Director of Grants Development
Grants Annual Report
This report provides an overview of the department’s performance and highlights some of the year’s grant-funded programs.
Read the 2023-24 report.