Meet Jeff Mowry

Jeff Mowry

College of Business graduate Jeff Mowry found his business edge at SPC. The program gave him the confidence he needed to apply creative approaches to his job as a financial data analyst.

"My degree from SPC prepared me for the job that I have now," said Mowry, who works at Universal Financial Consultants (UFC). "The program taught me to think beyond the normal set of circumstances and apply a creative side to number analysis. That's actually what's needed in our field today."

That mixture of creativity and applied experience in SPC's unique business education approach gives graduates an advantage in the financial services field, he said. 

Mowry was also able to use what he learned in the business simulation capstone class in his last semester to his advantage.

"I was able to take what I had just presented in the Capstone program and use it part of my interview process here," he said.  "That helped me get that extra edge in landing the position In our company."

Name: Jeff Mowry
Job Title: Financial data analyst
Employer: Universal Financial Consultants