Meet Steven Gould

steven gould

Growing up, Steven Gould saw himself on track to become an attorney, but after attending a high school magnet program focused on criminal justice, he realized that he didn’t really want that career enough to dedicate himself to a decade of studies. When he decided to attend SPC to get his core curriculum finished before transferring to a university, he didn’t expect to find his life’s calling there.

“I didn’t know what I wanted to do,” Gould said. “My friend worked at a local hotel, and it seemed like it might be fun, so I decided on SPC’s Hospitality and Tourism Management program.”

Gould earned a Food and Beverage certificate, as well as a Rooms Division certificate. While in the program, he needed an internship. One of his classmates owned a travel agency, and she offered him an internship at her business.

“At first, I didn’t take that career field seriously, but once I got my feet wet in the business, I loved it,” he said. “It was one of those things that opened me up to a different world. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for that internship.”

Gould credits caring professors and counselors in his program for offering him support, both academically and financially.

“Dr. Robert Meyer, who at the time was the director of the program then, had so many contacts, and he helped me get scholarships. And the Food and Beverage and Rooms Division certificates I earned, though I don’t work directly in those areas, really rounded me out so that I could learn different segments of the industry and understand all the jobs.”

After earning his associate degree at SPC in 2010, Gould opened his own agency, Gould’s Travel. He also continued his education, and through one of SPC’s University Partnership Center, he completed a bachelor’s degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management at Florida International University, and later a master’s degree in Public Administration. In addition to owning Gould’s Travel, he is co-owner of a luxury travel agency, Luxera, and dabbles in real estate and e-commerce. He served on SPC’s Hospitality Advisory Committee because he believes others can succeed, just like he did.

“There are so many facets to a hospitality degree. It isn’t just the hotel world, there’s travel, supplies and food service. And though travel agents are kind of like realtors – there are a lot of us – the job isn’t going anywhere because there is such a need.”

To learn more about the degrees and certificates that SPC offers, please visit

Name: Steven Gould
Job Title: Owner
Employer: Gould’s Travel