Join a growing field with our Biotechnology Laboratory Technology A.S. Degree

Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing industries in the nation, topping $500 billion a year. Nationally, employment of biological technicians is expected to grow by 5 percent through 2024.

In Florida, biotechnology has a large footprint, and is now home to more than 1,100 biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, who need qualified technicians.

Preparing you for the workforce

Our Biotechnology Laboratory Technology A.S. Degree gives you the hands-on skills to join a growing field and work in laboratories as a biological technician. In this role, you assist biological and medical scientists in laboratories by operating and maintaining laboratory instruments, conducting and observing experiments and recording results in detail.

Employer recommended

"I recommend the biotechnology program at St. Petersburg College because it was specifically tailored and designed from the very beginning so that students get the exact skills that employees want. I know that if I hire graduates of SPC's program, they will be able to perform in a lab and help me be productive."
Michael Shamblott
Member of SPC's Biotechnology Advisory Committee
Associate professor at the University of South Florida's College of Medicine
Researching cell- and drug-based therapies and treatments for Type I and II diabetes

Skills that biotechnology employers are looking for

  • Top three technical skills
    • Hands-on experience
    • Basic understanding of research design and implementation
    • Basic animal handling
  • Top three soft skills
    • Written and oral communication
    • Self motivation
    • Critical thinking
  • Key duties for the workforce
    • Lab maintenance
    • Lab preparation and organization
    • Budget management

Job Opportunities

  • Clinical research
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Biotechnology and biomanufacturing firms
  • Forensic investigation
  • Environmental improvement and protection
  • Agricultural product enhancement

This academic program prepares you for the following careers. All job data is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Biological Technicians

Salary Data

Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area Average

Florida Average

Projected employment for Florida

2022 Employment




Percent Change


Projected Job Openings


Biotechnology Laboratory Technology Associate in Science

Effective Beginning Catalog Term: Fall 2024 (640)

The requirements shown below are valid beginning Fall 2024 (640), and may not reflect degree requirements for current students. Current students should visit My SPC and view My Learning Plan to see specific degree requirements for their effective term.

Program Summary

The Associate of Science in Biotechnology degree serves primarily to directly prepare students for laboratory careers in biotechnology. In addition graduates of this program are eligible for entry into the Bachelor of Science in Biology program.

Graduation Requirements

Minimum grade of "C" required in all courses.

Academic Pathways

The Academic Pathway is a tool for students that lists the following items:
  • the recommended order in which to take the program courses
  • suggested course when more than one option exists
  • which semester each course is typically offered
  • if the course has a prerequisite
  • courses that may lead to a certificate (if offered in the program)

Please verify the Academic Pathway lists your correct starting semester.

Program Leadership Information

Kyle Knoke
Biotechnology AS Lead Faculty

Florida CIP Code

1341010100 - Biotechnology Laboratory Technology

Federal CIP Code

41.0101 - Biology/Biotechnology Technology/Technician.