Not sure about your career choice? At our career and academic advising centers, you can:

  • Attend job and career fairs
  • Research employers and job opportunities
  • Build professional resumes, cover letters and online portfolios
  • Sharpen your interview and salary negotiation techniques
  • Identify community and online resources to help in your job and internship search

career centers

Terri Kontodiakos

Focused on Your Career

"Every conversation we have with you as a student includes a career conversation. It is vital to your success and helps keep you motivated, knowing you're working towards a larger goal."

Student Support Manager Terri Kontodiakos


Our career development and academic advisors will guide you in:

  • Exploring careers that fit your interests, skills and values
  • Mapping the path between your education and career options
  • Developing a personal career action plan
  • Registration, course planning and scheduling
  • Transfer information

job center


SPC offers several ways to get you job ready, like job shadowing and internships, where you can:

  • Learn more about a company or organization
  • Interview professionals in your field
  • Expand your professional network
  • Learn valuable on-the-job skills

career fair

From our blog

  • Do you know any high school students looking to accelerate their college experience while still in high school? They can earn college credit for FREE. Early Titans Information Sessions Coming November 1st and 2nd. These information sessions are for you. The Early Titans programs includes Early College, Early Admission, and Dual Enrollment. Early College is … Continue reading Free College for High School Students
  • We have a few employer partners that are eager to meet with SPC students. This is a great opportunity for you to: engage with employers to learn about the organization and the opportunities that are available develop their interviewing skills by having conversations with company representatives Below is a list of events that are scheduled. … Continue reading SPC Employer Showcase
  • St. Petersburg College is part of a job placement initiative, funded by Bank of America, that will develop a collaborative effort among regional academic institutions and employers focused on assisting student of color and those struggling financially to obtain employment.