A career in Law enforcement
The Law Enforcement Academy gives you the training you need to pass the Florida Department of Law Enforcement State Officer Certification Examination and become a police officer.
SPC's Southeastern Public Safety Institute is an approved FDLE training center and uses the curriculum of the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (CJSTC).
This academic program prepares you for the following careers. All job data is provided by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers
Salary Data
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area Average
Florida Average
Projected employment for Florida
2023 Employment
Percent Change
Projected Job Openings
Law Enforcement Academy costs
In-state residents: $5,000
Out-of-state residents: $11,327.90
Tuition is subject to change. In-state tuition rates only apply to those who can prove Florida residency for at least 12 consecutive months. As part of the admission process, you pay $250 for a background check. Uniforms cost approximately $275.
Covering your tuition
As a Law Enforcement Academy student, you are eligible for financial aid and can apply Florida Prepaid toward your tuition. You must pay your fees up front.
Assistance for veterans
Financial assistance is available to veterans who qualify. Contact the Veterans Services Office at 727-341-4271 for more information.
Law Enforcement Academy schedule and length
22 weeks
7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Monday through Friday
790 hours
Upcoming Academies
PRC 236 Jan. 27 - June 24, 2025
PRC 237 April 7 - Aug. 27, 2025
PRC 238 June 30 - Nov. 18, 2025
PRC 239 Sep. 15 - Feb. 24, 2026
Continue your education at spc
SPC's Law Enforcement Academy courses prepare you for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement State Certification Examination and transfer to our Associate in Science in Criminal Justice Technology. The A.S. degree transfers to our Bachelor of Applied Science in Public Safety Administration.
Public Safety Advanced Training
SPC also offers extensive advanced and specialized training for public safety professionals.
Contact the department at 727-341-4516
Academy Coordinator Joseph Saponare
Jamie Ryan