(CANCELED) Managerial Accounting 101 Workshop
Managerial Accounting 101 is a workshop series designed to help students currently enrolled in ACG2071 Managerial Accounting supplement their classroom learning with group tutoring and supplemental resources.
This weekly workshop meets from 5:30pm-6:15pm every Thursday and will cover all the topics from a traditional Managerial Accounting course, with the topics to be covered determined by the students who attend the workshop each week.
Please contact Nicholas Mazza at mazza.nicholas@spcollege.edu for any concerns or questions about this workshop.
- For logistics information regarding time, location, food provided/not provided, transportation, and any other direct event question, please contact Stacy LaMarca at lamarca.stacy@spcollege.edu.
- If you are a student currently receiving approved accommodations and have questions related to your participation, please contact your Accessibility Services Coordinator directly.
- If you are a current or future student, and need Sign Language Interpreting or Real-Time Captioning, please fill out the request form at https://stpe.co/interpreters
For more information, contact: Nicholas Mazza