Not sure how to pay for college? Let the professionals in our financial aid office help you sort out the options of paying for a quality education now - with less debt after you graduate. Financial Assistance Services provides guidance on grants, scholarships, student employment and loans to help pay college expenses.
Where Do I Start?
Take the first step to see how much money you may qualify for to pay for college.
Apply for AidLog in to MySPC to check your student e-mail, review your to-do list, and accept your awards.
Check your AidContact us online, virtually, on campus or by phone. Check out our FAQs, videos and a glossary of financial aid terms.
Ask Financial AidFinancial Aid TV offers a way to skip the lines to get your questions answered. You'll find short videos that can answer many of your questions about applying for financial aid. Whether you're a current SPC student or plan to be, these videos can give you a preview of what to expect during the financial aid process.